A unique, architecturally timeless new construction project - Palma de Mallorca, Nou Llevant
Apartament, Comprar | Espanya, Mallorca, Palma, Portixol & Molinar
Des de
590.000 EUR
Des de
Unitats residencials
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Serveis i característiques especials d'aquesta obra nova
Tipus: Apartament • Regió: Palma • Any de construcció: 2025 • Dormitoris: des de 1
Discover this exceptional residential project in the vibrant Nou Llevant district, directly opposite the Parc de Can Palou and the new Symphonie Musik Hall. This project is characterised by a stylish design and special details and will set new standards after completion - modernity and energy efficiency. XO PARQ is an architecturally outstanding project, embedded in the natural surroundings with a Mediterranean flair. Only a few metres from the picturesque bay of the former fishing village of Portixol, you can enjoy the adjacent and neighbouring cultural, gastronomic and entertainment offerings as well as the marina. A total of 65 modern residential units are being built, on three independent four-storey building blocks with underground parking. The floor plans have been carefully designed to create feel-good spaces, with interior design to live and experience. XO PARQ offers extensive and carefully selected amenities that celebrate the area's renowned indoor-outdoor lifestyle. As a resident, you will enjoy the exquisite selection of additional comforts such as the XO Lounge, Lobby Porter, Cinema Room, Fitness Centre, Golf Simulator, Spa Rooms and Glass Bottom Pool. All of these facilities are designed to take your living experience to a new level, while bringing sensory perceptions to the forefront. Customisation is essential, so XO PARQ offers you complete and inspiring interior lines, a choice of three different concepts to create distinctive properties, all designed with the highest quality materials. With bespoke fit-out packages, a unique opportunity for personalisation is also offered. The result is an A+ certified building that reflects a commitment to sustainability, longevity and the creation of long-term value. Completion is scheduled for the end of 2025.
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Engel . V.lkers recomana contractar un advocat especialitzat per verificar l'estat legal de la construcció. Les dades exposades són oferts per tercers, merament informatives i se suposen correctes. Engel . V.lkers no garanteix la seva veracitat. L'oferta se subjecta a errors, canvis de preu, omissió i / o retirada del mercat sense avís previ. Disponibilitat a acordar. Les despeses de transmissió patrimonial, IVA, notari i registre són a càrrec del comprador. Segons el Full d'encàrrec, les despeses de la comissió o corretatge de l'Agència Immobiliària són a càrrec del venedor. Engel & Völkers recommends having a qualified specialist check the legal situation of the construction. All material is based upon information, which Engel & Völkers considers reliable, but because third parties have supplied it, Engel & Völkes cannot represent that it is accurate or complete, and it should not be relied upon as such. This offering is subject to errors, omissions, and change of price or withdrawal without notice. Availability upon agreement. Taxes, notary and register fees must be paid by the purchaser, the commission for the estate agency must be paid by the seller as stipulated in the sales mandate.
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