Solar urbà en venda a la prestigiosa zona de Bonaire, a Mallorca

Solars, Comprar | Espanya, Mallorca, North, Alcudia - Bonaire

Property Price

295.000 EUR


Property Total surface

1.078 ㎡

Superfície de parcel·la


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Serveis i característiques especials d'aquest solar

Tipus: Solar • Regió: North • Superfície de parcel·la: 1.078 ㎡ • Tipus de calefacció: • Tipus de calefacció: • Revestiment del sòl:

Descobreix aquesta excepcional parcel·la d'aproximadament 1.000 m2, ubicada a l'exclusiva zona de Bonaire a Alcúdia, Mallorca. Situada a pocs minuts de la mar i confrontant amb una zona natural protegida, aquest terreny ofereix una ubicació privilegiada per als qui busquen un entorn tranquil, envoltat de naturalesa i confort i amb un toc d'exclusivitat. Faci realitat el seu projecte en aquest racó únic que li ofereix Mallorca. No dubteu a contactar-nos per a obtenir més informació o per a concertar una cita.

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Port d'Alcúdia

Port d'Alcúdia

Carrer dels Pins 23 | Puerto Alcudia | Espanya

Registry number: ROOAIB GOIBE727791/2024

Alcudia - Bonaire: Ubicació i voltants d'aquest immoble

The borough of Alcudia also including the town of Alcudia in the north of Mallorca, the largest of the Balearic Islands, is very well connected to the main road network and is at only a 45 minute drive from Palma and the airport. Flanked by the bays of both Pollensa and Alcudia with a total of 30 kilometers of coastline that includes the beautiful sand beach "Playa de Alcudia", Alcudia is an excellent tourist destination for families. With a population of almost 20.000 residents, Alcudia has been characterized by its historic center and well-preserved walls since the fourteenth century. The small, traffic free streets are home to a range of boutique hotels, a town market with local products takes place in the center every Sunday and Tuesday, and of course there are a wide range of restaurants, bars and shops that are open throughout the year. Alongside the modern infrastructure the traditional festivals continue to play a big part in town life, such as Sant Antoni in January, the Sepia fair in April, the Feast of St. James in June and the Alcudia Fair in October, etc. Perfect for year round living with great amenities, such as health centers, Juaneda hospital, library, schools, and there is even an international "My School" in nearby Sa Pobla. Other attractions include Alcanada Golf course, Puerto de Alcudia, Barcarés - a quiet residential area in front of the sea with villas and houses that are mainly owned by locals. Bonaire with its Puerto Cocodrilo (a small marina) and wonderful villas many with breathtaking views of the Bay of Pollensa, and the fantastic coves of Mal Pas. Home to the lucky few and a little further inland is Son Fe, a beautiful country side area.

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