Plot with panoramic views and project in Portol

Solars, Comprar | Espanya, Mallorca, Central, Portol

Property Price

495.000 EUR


Property Total surface

840 ㎡

Superfície de parcel·la

E&V ID W-02P4H2

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Serveis i característiques especials d'aquest solar

Tipus: Solar • Regió: Central • Last restoration: • Superfície de parcel·la: 840 ㎡ • Tipus de calefacció: • Tipus de calefacció: • Revestiment del sòl:

Urban building plot with project according to the current building regulations for a modern villa in the residential area in Portol with far view to the bay of Palma as well as to the Tramuntana mountains. The villa has been planned with an area of approximately 260m2. On the ground floor there will be a double bedroom, bathroom, kitchen with dining area, living room, study and an office. A garage and parking space for three vehicles are also planned, as well as a laundry room. The first floor would have two double bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms, a master suite with dressing room and private terrace. The outdoor area has been planned with a beautiful terrace, solarium and swimming pool of 37m2; perfect to enjoy with family or friends. A building permit is in place. The property has mains electricity and water connection.

Contacti al seu assessor personal

Santa Maria

Santa Maria

Carrer Marquès de la Fontsanta 45a | Santa Maria | Espanya

Registry number: GOIBE728083/2024

Portol: Ubicació i voltants d'aquest immoble

Pórtol is a beautiful village that belongs to the municipality of Marratxí. It is located on a hill between the villages of Sa Cabaneta, Santa María and Marratxí. This small village has about 3.800 inhabitants, and is a quiet and cosy place that is also famous for its traditional pottery, especially the Siurells, an ornamental clay figure very typical in Mallorca. The village has some small cafés and restaurants, a supermarket and a large ceramic factory "Olleria Roca Llisa", which has been in the village since 1861 and is open to the public. Situated only 20 minutes from the capital it is the perfect place to live in the countryside but being only minutes away from Palma.

Informació energètica

En procés

Condicions generals

Disponibilitat a acordar

Engel . V.lkers intervé únicament com a intermediari i, per tant, no pot oferir assessorament legal ni urbanístic, ni donar cap garantia sobre l'estat dels immobles oferts. Totes les dades es basen exclusivament en informació proporcionada a Engel . V.lkers pels propietaris i per tant Engel a V.lkers no assumeix cap responsabilitat per la integritat, exactitud i actualitat d'aquestes dades. L'oferta se subjecta a errors, canvis de preu, omissió i/o retirada del mercat sense avís previ. Es recomana contractar un advocat especialitzat per verificar l'estat legal i urbanístic de la propietat i, en cas necessari, un perit independent que comprovi l'estat de la propietat. Disponibilitat a acordar. Les despeses de transmissió patrimonial, IVA, notari i registre són a càrrec del comprador. Segons el Full d'encàrrec, les despeses d'intermediació són a càrrec del venedor.

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