Excel·lent casa tradicional a Sóller

Casa, Comprar | Espanya, Mallorca, West, Sóller

Property Price

2.800.000 EUR


Property Bedrooms



Property Bathrooms



Property Living area

648 ㎡

Espai habitable

Property Total surface

874 ㎡

Superfície total

Property Total surface

445 ㎡

Superfície de parcel·la


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Tipus: Casa • Regió: West • Superfície total: 874 ㎡ • Dormitoris: 3 • Banys: 2 • Espai habitable: 648 ㎡ • Superfície de parcel·la: 445 ㎡ • Tipus de calefacció: • Tipus de calefacció: • Revestiment del sòl:

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Carrer de Bauçà, 4 | Sóller | Espanya

Registry number: GOIBE724048/2024

Sóller: Ubicació i voltants d'aquest immoble

Sóller, a bustling town in the heart of the Tramuntana, near the island’s beautiful West coast, holds some of the most exclusive real estate in Mallorca: townhouses, traditional rural properties and elegant villas. It is a straight 30-minute drive from Palma, thanks to its free tunnel. Sóller excelled in the international citrus trade during the XVIII and XIX centuries, achieving the construction of the train from Palma in the early XX century. A tram from Sóller to its port followed shortly. With their picturesque original carriages, the train from Palma and the wooden tram running between the town and the port, continue delighting tourists. Sóller’s cosmopolitan lifestyle led to it becoming one of the country’s Modernist highlights. Among its many houses and buildings in the Modernist style, we have the Church of Sant Bartomeu in the town square. Sóller has first-quality infrastructure: supermarkets, shops, health and sport installations. It is an ideal place to practice trekking, mountain biking or climbing, and the Son Termes golf club is just a 20-minute drive away. The town has a fine range of restaurants, bars, cafeterias, hotels and wellness centres, and its local Saturday market is thriving. It has a marvellous botanical garden, museums, like the Can Prunera Museum, and an exhibition by Joan Miró and Pablo Picasso at the Railroad Station, formerly the summer house where the two artists used to meet. The town celebrates popular annual feasts like ‘Es Firó’ and cultural events like the Classical Music Festival at Port of Sóller.

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Engel . V.lkers recomana contractar un advocat especialitzat per verificar l'estat legal de la construcció. Les dades exposades són oferts per tercers, merament informatives i se suposen correctes. Engel . V.lkers no garanteix la seva veracitat. L'oferta se subjecta a errors, canvis de preu, omissió i / o retirada del mercat sense avís previ. Disponibilitat a acordar. Les despeses de transmissió patrimonial, IVA, notari i registre són a càrrec del comprador. Segons el Full d'encàrrec, les despeses de la comissió o corretatge de l'Agència Immobiliària són a càrrec del venedor.

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