Vila de luxe amb espectaculars vistes al mar

Casa, Lloguer Vacacional | Espanya, Mallorca, West, Deià

Property Bedrooms



Property Bathrooms



Property Living area

534 ㎡

Espai habitable

Property Total surface

534 ㎡

Superfície total

Property Total surface

700 ㎡

Superfície de parcel·la


Encantadora Vila situada a Cala de Deià, amb impressionants vistes al mar i a les muntanyes, a escassos 100 metres de la platja. L'habitatge està construït respectant l'arquitectura local, amb acabats rústics de màxima qualitat. S'han edificat tres plantes, comunicades mitjançant una escala interior en marbre i per un ascensor. A la planta baixa es troba el garatge per a 2 cotxes, una coladuria, un gimnàs amb jacuzzi i piscina interior. La primera planta consta d'una cuina, un estudi, un dormitori amb bany en-suite i un saló-menjador d'on hi ha accés a la terrassa coberta amb barbacoa i a la piscina exterior. A la segona planta hi ha dos dormitoris més, cadascun amb vestidor i bany en suite, ambdós dormitoris tenen accés a una terrassa de 60 m2.


  • Piscina

Ubicació i voltants d'aquest immoble

Deià is a sunny town located on the western coast of Mallorca, a 20-minute drive from Sóller. Many beautiful houses, villas and country estates in Deià offer great views to the Tramuntana and the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean. Deià is dotted with shops, hotels, cafés and restaurants, and holds a weekly market with local products and crafts. Known as a village of artists, this cosmopolitan enclave has attracted artists for many years, inspiring renowned literary, musical and pictorial works. Since 1978, the town holds the Deià International Music Festival between June and September. This prestigious chamber-music festival allows its public to enjoy select musical pieces in idyllic settings. The feast of Sant Joan, the patron saint, takes place around June 24th, with all kinds of recreational activities fusing tradition and modernity. Cultural highlights include the house-museum of Robert Graves, famous British poet, author of I, Claudius, who lived in the town for many years and is buried in its cemetery; the Son Marroig house-museum, which hosts the art collection and other items owned by Archduke Luis Salvador of Austria, great scholar on the Balearic Islands and generous protector of its nature; and the Archaeological Museum of Deià, hosting remains from local digging sites. The most adventurous people will enjoy sea and mountain sports. Those seeking to simply relax can do so at Cala Deià, a picturesque pebble beach with a small jetty and calm turquoise waters. Near the cove, wonderful vantage points to the sea and the mountains are to be found, as well as a varied and delightful gastronomic offer.

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Carrer Arxiduc Lluís Salvador 1 | Deià | Espanya

Registry number: GOIBE728083/2024

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